Three Way Action Poker
Players will triple their chances with 3-Way Action Poker! This video poker game combines 5-Card Stud, 5-Card Draw Poker and 7-Card Poker in one action-packed game. The game begins with five cards dealt to the player. Immediately any winning 5-card stud combinations are paid. 3-WAY ALL IN POKER ACTION! - Poker Vlog #43Yes, I'm late to the party! It's my first video of 2020 and we're back on that No Limit Holdem train.Some quick an. IGT has released a new video poker game, 3 Way Action Poker, where a cool combination of 5-Card Stud, Draw Poker and 7-Card Poker come together. This hot new video poker game deals an initial. Poker nash-solver for GTO analysis of 3-way spots in various Postflop situations. Application calculates GTO strategies based on action trees and initial ranges for 3 players Try it for free. Free River calculation in 3-way spots. Users are provided with free river calculations. Free examples of solutions in. Available at sites that offer IGT games, Triple Play Draw Poker is a single game that features nine different variations of video poker in one package. Players can choose from any of these games at any time, and are free to switch between them at any time they like.
But I recently learned about the game through an article from 2001.
It's also on the Arcade History site, though they say it's only 9 years old. (For grammar enthusiasts, the hyphen on the glass artwork is oddly between Way and Action instead of between 3 and Way.)
Did the game fail to catch on, and they're trotting it out again 18 years later?? Seems like fun—I'd like to try it!
In a scenario where I can draw two more cards, what is the chance I draw an ace and a deuce?
Is it (1/46)*(2/45) = .021*.044 = .0009 or roughly 1 in 10,000?
This came up in playing 3 Way-Action video poker, which is a fun variant of standard video poker. It might still be at the Gold Coast.
Lots of these machines at the El Cortez
I didn't see them while I was there—but then, I wasn't looking for them.
So could someone confirm my math to pull an ace and deuce: (1/46)*(2/45) = .021*.044 = .0009 or roughly 1 in 10,000?
The jackpot is getting four aces and three 2s, 3s, or 4s.
Three Way Action Poker
gordonm888I didn't see them while I was there—but then, I wasn't looking for them.
So could someone confirm my math to pull an ace and deuce: (1/46)*(2/45) = .021*.044 = .0009 or roughly 1 in 10,000?
The jackpot is getting four aces and three 2s, 3s, or 4s.
If you drew an Ace and a Deuce to make a full house AAA-22, then there were two aces and three deuces left in the deck, I would say the odds of drawing an Ace and a Deuce to make the full house were:
2*(2/47)*(3/46) =0.00555 or about 1/180.

If you drew an Ace and a Deuce to make a full house AAA-22, then there were two aces and three deuces left in the deck, I would say the odds of drawing an Ace and a Deuce to make the full house were:
2*(2/47)*(3/46) =0.00555 or about 1/180.
Hm. With AAA-22, there's only one ace and 2 deuces left, and one other card was discarded so only 46 cards left in the deck.
So that would make it 2*(1/46)*(2/45) = .0019?
Apologies for my limited mathematical ken, but why do you multiply that by 2?
Lots of these machines at the El Cortez
There used to be. Unfortunately they got rid of a bunch and are down to just 3.
(I had my best hit ever on one of those El Cortez machines when I got 4 aces and 3 fours: 120,000 nickels on a $4.50 bet.)
Be aware that the paytable there, while good, is not the paytable that the strategy on the Wizard’s page was generated for (in fact the paytable isn’t even listed on the page), and so optimal play requires strategy differences on many common hands.
Hm. With AAA-22, there's only one ace and 2 deuces left, and one other card was discarded so only 46 cards left in the deck.
So that would make it 2*(1/46)*(2/45) = .0019?
Apologies for my limited mathematical ken, but why do you multiply that by 2?
Poker Three Card

I think that game basically failed to catch on.
from my observation, I noticed a lot of Asian people like to play those machines. I think the Palms used to have quite a few of them as well. I don't know if they still do or not.I remember Double Down stud used to be really popular back in the day.