Doyle Brunson Tips

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The first book I have ever read from Doyle Brunson and a gift from a good friend Eric. I would rec this to anyone who plays poker but especially anyone who wants to read the thicker SUPER series of Doyle's books. It is full of hints and tips as well as great poker table stories from one of the game's greats! The book begins with a biographical sketch of Doyle Brunson and then quickly discusses general poker strategy. General strategy includes controlling emotion, watching competitors play, reasoning out play, and other similar tips that benefit all forms of poker play. The sections of the book dedicated to strategy were divided as follows. is the official personal site of Legendary 10 time World Series of Poker Champion, is exclusively powered and managed by Level Media on behalf of Doyle Brunson.-Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Doyle Brunson’s Poker Strategy Tips

Doyle Brunson, poker legend and fearsome opponent in all forms of the game has a reputation built on aggression – he wins pot after pot because his opponents know he is happy to get all his chips in without so much as a draw! It may then come as a surprise to some that, for tournaments, Doyle Brunson’s poker strategy advice is to play very tight, at least in the beginning levels. For the first couple of blind levels Doyle is happy to sit back and be content with the pots that the cards allow him to win.

Is Doyle Brunson Alive

Doyle Brunson TipsDoyle Brunson Tips

This type of survivalist poker tournament strategy allows professional players to survive the ‘minefield’ of amateur players found at the start of tournaments. The strategy involves raising with medium strength cards (mid-pairs / unsuited high cards etc) but never calling with them. Taking small stabs at pots, but backing off when resistance is encountered.

When you are entering mid-stage of the poker tournament, Doyle’s strategy involves careful assessment of many situational factors. These include the tendencies of opponents, but more importantly their stack sizes. Small and Large stacks are far more likely to call your big bets (though for different reasons) so caution should be exercised with them.

Aggressive and positive poker, which is Doyle Brunson’s trademark, kicks in later in the middle stages. This takes the form of gradually increasing aggression levels in order to put pressure on your opponents who will be afraid of busting out. According to Brunson, the key tournament strategy here is to keep accumulating chips – staying ahead of the blinds and antes will enable you to choose when to bet big rather than be forced to play without solid values.

Doyle Brunson Poker Tips


Doyle’s poker tournament strategy for the final table involves careful evaluation of your opponents and their chip stacks. While Brunson advises always playing to win, there are times when a number of short stacked opponents mean that tight play would guarantee you one of the higher playing places. If your goal is to win and you are second in chips, Doyle advises that you target the chip leader, play aggressively and try to overtake him.