Basics Of Poker Strategy

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  5. Basic Poker Strategy
How to play poker basics

Poker strategy is a set of choices that describes players' actions in poker. It outlines a plan to maximize the profit in a poker game. The characteristics of poker strategies are influenced by game-theoretic properties of poker, such as imperfect information and the element of chance. Consequently, mixed strategies, methods of deception, and probabilistic considerations are common. In poker, you must time your plays and focus your aggression. Once you have mastered the basics of the game – the rules, the etiquette, the betting practices etc., you will need to up the ante by learning to increase your aggressiveness at the poker table. Too many novices throw caution to the wind. Start at low stakes to understand poker strategy. Always take this poker tip into consideration before jumping into your games. Many players find no interest in playing low games, but you need to see that your goal is to learn poker strategy and not to waste money while doing that. The Objective of Poker The main objective is to produce a stronger hand than your opponents and win the money. In poker’s case, that money is known as the “pot”, which is the money in the middle of the table that is accumulated via the wagers made by all the participants of that hand.

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The Basics of Poker Strategy in Cash Games

In this article, we’ll talk about the basics of poker strategy: playing preflop and flop – the first two streets of the trade. The strategy is very simple to understand, and it will not be difficult for you to apply it at the initial limits.


Preflop is the easiest street to trade in poker. By following simple guidelines, you can avoid most of the mistakes beginner players make and make it much easier to play hands on late streets.

So, if there was no raise before you, then preflop you should always have a choice between just a fold or a raise. Making a call, that is, simply delivering a big blind bet to the pot in the hope that no one will raise, and you can see the flop cheaply, is by no means possible! There is a simple explanation for this: with strong hands you want to win a big pot, and therefore you need to build it up on the first street of betting. With weak hands, you will lose control over the distribution and force yourself to play with a weak hand without initiative, that is, your chances of a successful bluff will be greatly reduced, and you most likely will not have other opportunities to win the pot.

Whatever cards they have, remember, you need to play aggressively, make your opponents nervous and give out the strength of your hand. This is why we place our bets. Also, with a simple preflop raise, you will greatly facilitate your game and determine the ranges in the future – opponents are unlikely to call your raise with random cards, and you will have an idea of ​​what they have in hand.

As little as possible, you should play and call your opponent’s preflop raise, no matter how much you want. Remember, the main goal of poker is to play aggressively, play tight and play in position. That is why you need to focus on being the aggressor in the pots as often as possible and in one of the late positions with strong hands – this way you can get the maximum advantage over your opponents.

Bet sizes

Basics Of Blackjack Strategy


The standard raise size if all opponents have folded before you is 3-3.5 big blinds.

If one or more players limp into the game and you are going to raise, then its size should be equal to 3 big blinds plus one BB for each player who limped.

If you are going to 3-bet, then in position, its size should be no more than three sizes of the opponent’s initial raise (usually 10-11 BB), and out of position – four (usually 12-15 BB).


How to play poker basics

Flop strategy can be divided into two broad categories: when you opened preflop with a raise and got called from one or more opponents, and when you just called a raise from one of the other players.

As you can already see, the latter type of situations will occur much less often, and therefore it will be easier for you to navigate in them.

Flop as aggressor

One of the most common actions in poker is the so-called “continuation bet” or simply continuation bet. This flop bet is made by the preflop aggressor, confirming that he is still strong on the flop, no matter what happens! After all, he may still have the strongest hand. And since a player who calls preflop will only get a match on the flop 33% of the time, the preflop aggressor can bet a lot of flops and take the pot without further resistance. A continuation bet usually serves one of two purposes.

The first is to increase the pot (for value, i.e. collect money from weak hands). In other words, when making a continuation bet with top pair and top kicker, the player expects the weaker combinations to call. The second is a bluff, where a player bets without coincidences or with a garbage hand, relying on the fact that the opponent will fold. A continuation bet is only made if you are the preflop aggressor. It doesn’t matter if you hit the flop or not.

These are the basic Texas Hold'em strategy articles from ThePokerBank's strategy section. If you're just starting out as a Texas Hold'em player, these are some of the most important concepts that will need to familiarize yourself with.

Try hard to fully understand the strategy outlined in each article so that you can build a strong foundation on which to further develop you game. Winning money from Texas Hold'em starts with these basic strategy articles.

Basic Texas Hold'em strategy articles.

What Is The Best Poker Strategy

Bankroll ManagementBeginnerBasic10/10
Starting Hand SelectionBeginnerBasic10/10
Bet SizingBeginnerBasic9/10
Table SelectionBeginnerBasic8/10
Reasons For BettingBeginnerBasic8/10

Basic strategy section highlights.

Online Poker Strategy

Basics Of Poker Strategy

Important basic strategy articles.

Basic Poker Strategy

All of these articles are important, so it would be wrong to suggest that you can get away with skipping 1 or 2 of them and moving on to the broader general strategy articles. However, I would strongly recommend that you play close attention to the bankroll management and position strategy articles, closely followed by the starting hand selection article.

Without good bankroll management you will never be able to win money from poker. On top of that, hands are frequently won and lost based on position and position alone. Table position may not seem like a big deal at the start, but the sooner you recognize its importance the more rapidly your game will improve.

Other useful basic strategy articles.

Good table selection is possibly one of the easiest yet most under-used strategies amongst online players. After all, you're going to win a lot more money if you look sit down with a bunch of bad players than if you end up sitting down with a table full of experienced regulars.

Get used to scouting out the softer tables from the tougher ones and winning money will become a lot easier.

Go back to the awesome Texas Hold'em Strategy.
